Newsletter Paragon
Aerated Compost Systems

June 2023 Newsletter

Construction photo

Best Time to Design and Build

Right Now! Summer is right around the corner and you can take advantage of the good weather to construct your system in plenty of time to be ahead of the fall and winter rainy season.

Why Compost?

Our objectives in setting up an O2Compost system include the following:

  • Isolate manure waste from the environment and protect surface and ground water resources.
  • Reduce mud in your paddocks and pastures and improve your horses' hoof health.
  • Reduce pathogens in your pastures.
  • Reduce fly-pressure and save your horses' sanity.
  • Reduce weed pressure and enhance the growth of pasture grass.
  • Improve rainwater infiltration and reduce soil erosion.
  • Eliminate the cost of off-site disposal.

Free Consultation

If you haven't done so already, we invite you to schedule a free 30-minute consultation with Peter Moon, owner of O2Compost. Peter will answer all of your questions and explain in layman's terms how composting will become a chore-efficient process for you and your staff. We guarantee your success!

Read the full article on our Blog to learn what to expect from consultation to completion.

Composting 101

RULE 11- Always Strive to Improve Product Quality

One of the primary objectives with running a compost facility is to operate it efficiently to reduce both the time and expense of processing a finished product. It is generally agreed that every compost system is unique in how it operates and that the method of operation will evolve over time.

To this end, striving to improve your product quality will be the key to your success. By focusing on product quality, everything else about how the compost system operates will fall into line. This is a very simple rule, but it is also a very important one.

Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative Systems - Three Metrics of Success

This YouTube video was created and published by Michael Wolfert of Symbiosis Regenerative Systems in Texas. His narrative discusses the three metrics his company uses to gauge whether or not each of his projects is in a "mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship with nature". He covers the topics of capturing water, building soil, and increasing biological diversity.

Symbosis Regen Sys

O2Compost Q&A

Cold Weather Composting

"In winter, when manure is wet, my composting fails. It just turns to sludge most of the time. How can I fix this?"

ANSWER: When this happens, the mix is likely predominantly manure (very little stall bedding). When it gets wet we are losing our porosity, resulting in little to no airflow through the pile. 

Assuming this is true, the resolution to the problem is to add a bit of wood fiber to: 1) absorb the excess moisture; and 2) provide structure and porosity to the pile. I recommend using wood pellets for this purpose (~$5.00 per 40 lb bag, which will go a long way). As you add the manure to the bin, sprinkle a couple handfuls of pellets on top, wet them, and use a rake or trowel to mix them into the top six inches or so. The pellets will break open (like popcorn) when you do this. I like the mix to be 80-90% manure and 10-20% wood fiber.

New Cornerstone System

Weinberger FB

Owner:  Meg W.
Location:  Palm Beach Gardens, FL