O2Compost Services

O2Compost specializes in designing small, medium, and largeā€scale compost systems to process a wide array of organic wastes, including food scrap waste, landscaping debris, animal manure, biosolids and other source separated organics. We utilize the Aerated Static Pile (ASP) method of composting for all of our projects and implement fully tested technologies that are simple to operate, reliable and cost effective. 

With aerated composting we maintain aerobic conditions throughout the compost pile and are able to manage pile temperatures. This, in turn, expedites the composting process and yields a high-quality compost product that is effectively free of pathogens, parasites, and weed seeds. By composting in this manner, we are able to control offensive odors and flies, improve the aesthetics of the waste handling area, quickly produce a superior product and reduce the cost of fuel, equipment and labor. 

O2Compost systems fall into four general categories: Agricultural Composting, Institutional Composting, Municipal Composting, and Industrial Composting.