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Brevard Zoo

Melbourne, FL

When a zoo benefactor offered to fund a composting system, Deputy Director Jon B. began researching animal waste and chose to work witih O2Compost. The Cornerstone System composts manure from zoo animal hoof stock such as rhinos, giraffes, impala, camel, oryx, goats and llamas (to name a few). Leftover hay and a small amount of commissary vegetable waste is also composted. Note: feces from carnivores like large cats and primates is not included. 

Since starting up the O2Compost system, Daniel W. (Director of Facilities at Brevard Zoo) says the zoo has accomplished three things: (1) a reduction in waste cost to haul away manure; (2) an ample supply of organic compost to use in the zoo's landscaping; and (3) has kept its practices in line with the zoo mission relating to conservation.