Completed Compost Projects

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San Jose Conservation Corps and Charter School

San Jose, CA

The O2Compost Cornerstone has turned out to be a great system for the San Jose Conservation Corps and Charter School. It allows the community composting program to process large quanitities of organic waste with minimal effort. The material going into the system consists primarily of food scraps. Most of the waste is sourced from the on-site community market but food scraps are also accepted from the public. The plan is to distribute the finished compost to urban gardeners and farmers, and to schools as part of the Zero Waste East Side program for use in their gardens.

"The system has been working great for us! Visually, it is very beautiful and makes a wonderful addition to our campus. The manual comes in very handy for new users. A group of climate fellows we had during the summer were able to use it successfully despite having minimal composting experience."