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The Ideal Initial Mix

Composting 101, Horse Manure Composting
It goes without saying that collecting the horses' manure is critical to maintaining the horses' health and managing odors (ammonia) and files around the farm. The ideal "initial mix" for horse manure composting has a ...
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Compost Appearance & Quality

Frequently Asked Questions, Composting 101
"Why is our compost not very uniform, not very black, and still contains large sawdust particles? We mostly use wood pellet bedding." STALL BEDDING: It is good that you are using wood pellet bedding because you general...
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Hemp Used for Stall Bedding

Horse Manure Composting
What is Hemp? Hemp, or "industrial hemp", is a plant in the botanical class of Cannabis sativa cultivars grown specifically for industrial and consumable use. Along with bamboo, hemp is among the fastest growing p...
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Training Program Details

Frequently Asked Questions
What's included in our Training Programs and how we work with new clients Our Training Programs include four component parts: The design of your compost system An aeration equipment package A training manual Unl...
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Frequently Asked Questions, Composting 101
Aerated Static Pile (ASP) Composting uses an electric blower to induce intermittent airflow into the compost pile, thereby eliminating the need to turn the pile. With ASP Composting, we are able to maintain aerobic ...
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Getting Ready for Spring

As we emerge from winter, our days are get longer, air and soil temperatures slowly increase, and plants are show signs of new growth. The month of February is the perfect time to plan for the application of the compost ...
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Pile Temperatures

Frequently Asked Questions, Composting 101
"What am I looking for when I take my compost pile temperatures?" Our primary goal is for your compost to reach and exceed 131°F for at least three days. This is referred to as a "Process to Further Reduce Pathog...
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Turned Windrows vs. ASP

Frequently Asked Questions
Turning windrows is a time consuming process requiring labor, equipment, and fuel. With the turned windrow method, piles return to an anaerobic condition well within an hour. When the piles are turned, odors can be ...
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Giving with Gratitude

Client Success Stories, Horse Manure Composting
Dawn Carlson of River Heights Ranch in central Iowa has always practiced environmental stewardship by using goats to graze noxious weeds, planting native plants and wildflowers, etc. So, naturally, the manure management ...
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Composting in Cold Climates

Frequently Asked Questions
"How does the O2Compost system perform during the cold winter months?" ANSWER: Our aerated systems generally work quite well under extreme cold conditions. Here are six recommendations to help you avoid interruption du...
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